Allegedly released to Wikileaks by Bradley Manning. Whether or not that is true, this video is a chilling glimpse into the problems created when transparency is not a priority. Transparency promotes peace; so the military has a... Protesters hit high-end Obama fundraiser... Thurs April 21 2011 12:52:09 EDT Subject: Pool report #1San Francisco — ***Protestors in high-end fundrai...
IN THIS POST : Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central’s, The Daily Show, comments on FJP’s singing protest. April 25, 2011 Fresh Juice Party is honored to be the target of a little good natured ribbing from Jon Stewart...
April 21, 2011 The FRESH JUICE PARTY ( movement made its grand debut in San Francisco this morning at an Obama fundraising breakfast at the St. Regis Hotel. Showing they’ve got considerable ju...
April 30, 2011 San Francisco Chronicle reporter, Carla Marinucci, was forced out of the White House reporters’ pool after posting a video of our protest that she recorded on her phone. Free Press is another victim of th...